BootlegGames Wiki
BootlegGames Wiki

Dance Sport is a plug and play dance mat made by an unknown company. There is a version called Wireless Fit sold by Senario, the packaging of which copies the Wii Fit box art.


The console has four sets of three games for a total of 12 games. It also comes with blue controllers shaped like dumbbells. The console uses a 16-bit Sunplus SPG system-on-a-chip for the game software.[1] The title screen calls it Dance Fit, using a somewhat Wii Fit inspired logo.


Each set is split into types

Exercise Game[]

Exercise games that are directly inspired by Wii Fit.

  • Aerobics
  • Punch Out
  • Hula Hoop
  • Field Race

Dancing game[]

Dancing games like DDR. They have weight inputs (other Dance Dance Revolution clones such as Hot Dance With Samba and Inventor's Cha Cha Amigo would also use similar inputs). Before the game players can customise their character, which then appears as the middle dancer.

  • On Stage
  • The Beach
  • The Dance Studio
  • The Park

Arcade Game[]

Games that aren't fitness or dance related.

  • Exerslides - a slide puzzle featuring pictures of people doing sports.
  • Labyrinth - a maze game where you have to guide a ball to the end without dropping it in a hole.
  • Meteor Alert - a game where you move a a shield around a planet to protect it from falling meteors.
  • Tomb Hunter - game where you have to steal artifacts without the floor breaking beneath you.


