BootlegGames Wiki

Fire Dragon is an unlicensed snake clone released on multiple systems by multiple companies.

Fire Dragon was released on the Famicom in the early 90s. It was developed by Gamtec. It was released by BIC and likely Gamtec or a related company in other countries.

In 1993 a Mega Drive version of the game was released by Songtly and Jumbo. On the box this version is called Lóng Xíng Tiān Xià, on its title screen it is just called Lóng, and on a splash screen that appears when the game is booted up, it is called Link Dragon. This version features new music and a music test option.

A Gameboy version was also released. This version appears most similar to the Mega Drive version. In an early build of the game found on Vast Fame's multicarts it is called Lóng Xíng Tiān Xià on the title screen. It would later on be published by Gowin as Guā Guā Huǒ Lóng. In situations where an English name is displayed it is referred to as Fire Dragon. This version features the same music as the Mega Drive version, but lacks a music test option.


A number of hacks of the Famicom version exist:

  • Dragon Fire, by JungleTac; appears on a number of their consoles.
  • Dragon, made in 2000 likely by Inventor.
  • Shunting, features a train. Appeared on Power Joy consoles by Trump Grand, copyrighted to Power Joy Ltd.




  • On Gowin's website it is stated that the Gameboy version was released in 1998. This may however only refer to the Gowin release of this game as other versions of it were released by different companies.[1]
  • Gowin would feature Fire Dragon on both of their known self published multicarts (KKL01 and KKL05).

