BootlegGames Wiki

Space Shuttle Exploration is a vertically scrolling shoot 'em up game created by some ex-Hummer Team members and released on a 4-in-1 multicart by ABABSoft, and some Famiclones by Trump Grand.

Enemies do not seem to appear in any fixed patterns, rather they keep appearing until you shoot a certain number, after which the stage ends and points are tallied up. Each stage introduces some new enemies and increases the rate at which they appear.

The only music in the game is a short jingle on the title screen, and a game over theme which is a modified version of the character select music from Tekken 2.


No standalone release of this game has been found but it is known to have been released on the following:

  • 4-in-1 multicart by ABABSoft with Cattou Ninden Teyandee, Avengers & Chip & Dale 3 (Heavy Barrel hack) [1]
  • 60-in-1 multicart packed with Power Joy Supermax by Trump Grand
  • Excalibur 101 in 1 (manufactured by by Trump Grand), as Space Destroyer Exploration (on the title screen) or Space Destroyer (on the menu)
  • It was also listed in a game list provided by the manufacturer of the D-CAT 8 console (aka Vangard 8-bit GameCore), but was not included in the released console.


