BootlegGames Wiki

Super StepMania is a VT168-based plug and play developed by Wellminds and released sometime during the late 2000s. It was later sold by various companies around the late 2010s, such as Shenzhen Hopora Electronics Co., Ltd., and Magnum Brands Ltd,.[1] Two player versions were also released.


The system itself only has one game, but some versions of it are bundled with an additional 9 games. Super StepMania itself is a DanceDanceRevolution clone with a total of 110 songs to choose from. Albeit, all 110 songs are likely stock/production music, given that none of them seem to be copyrighted songs.[citation needed]


The game plays like a standard DDR clone with three difficulty modes. The game features both a standard mode and a mode similar to DDR's solo mode which adds diagonal arrows. You can pick between one of 9 stages and 10 dancers (5 human dancers, 5 animal dancers).

Unlike most DDR clones, your accuracy does not matter. This is because the combo system works somewhat similarly to the one seen in Dance 2000. As the game goes from GOOD->GREAT->GREAT->GREAT->GREAT->GREAT->GREAT->PERFECT->PERFECT->PERFECT and then resets back to GOOD, technically making the game completely rigged as it is completely impossible to get a perfect or close to perfect score. This also resets if you miss an arrow.

List of extra games[]

A later model of this system also comes bundled with a total of 9 games. All of these games are pre-existing Wellminds games seen on other systems.

Game List[]

  • Beat Shrew Mouse
  • Clear Store
  • Explosion
  • Fireplan
  • Fly Ball
  • Forest Gem
  • Mind Bender
  • Rally
  • Warehouse


  • The music in the menu is looped from Stevie B's Funky Melody.


